
  • A convienence type for the application state to adhere to.



    @available(*, deprecated)
    public typealias StateType = Codable & Equatable
  • A type of state that can be identified for tracking purposes.

    This is typically used for entities stored in your state that might be accessed by id or displayed in a List view.

    See more



    @available(*, deprecated, message: "Use Identifiable instead.")
    public protocol IdentifiableState : Decodable, Encodable, Equatable, Identifiable where Self.ID : Decodable, Self.ID : Encodable
  • A container state that holds an ordered collection of substates.

    It’s a common requirement to store a collection of substates. For example, a list of entities retrieved from a service. For an optimal solution, you typically require a lookup table of entity states by their ids. However, you also need an ordered array to display those entities in a list to the user. You end up managing both a dictionary of entities and an ordered array of their ids. This struct manages that responsibility for you. It also provides conveniences for direct use by SwiftUI List views.

    var todos: OrderedState<TodoState> = ...
    // When a user adds a new todo:
    // When a user deletes multiple todos
    todos.delete(at: indexSet)
    // Using the OrderedState with a list view.
    var body: some View {
      List {
        ForEach(todos) {
        .onDelete { todos.delete(at: $0 }
        .onMove { todos.move(from: $0, to: $1 }
    See more



    public struct OrderedState<Substate> where Substate : Identifiable
    extension OrderedState: MutableCollection
    extension OrderedState: RandomAccessCollection
    extension OrderedState: Equatable where Substate: Equatable
    extension OrderedState: Decodable where Substate: Decodable
    extension OrderedState: Encodable where Substate: Encodable